A Simple Question for All

Can you tell the difference between a fox and a squirrel? This question was the seed for a game I am developing.

An idea sparked by a family joke

We have a running joke about people mixing up foxes and squirrels. It sounds ridiculous that someone would get the two confused, but one of us did. We started noticing when others made the same mistake and have a good laugh about it. Whether it sounds funny or not, they do look alike. I decided to explore that idea in this game.

In Fox or Squirrel?, you take turns flipping over cards and identifying if the image is of a squirrel or a fox. You are penalized for getting the wrong answer, but only if someone else catches you. I wanted to turn this activity into a game for families to enjoy. The idea was to create something:

  1. Easy to teach, 
  2. Easy to set up, and 
  3. Works even if pieces go missing

Looking for feedback

Please try the game and let me know how you like it. The rules are still in the early stages. I don't feel like we are quite there yet and so you will find two variations within the rules. Experiment with your own rules and let me know if they are better than mine. I look forward to your feedback.


Squirrel or Fox - Version 1 (PDF) 1 MB
Jul 09, 2024

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